Hello, I am Al Sensei and I am the Senior coach for the Aikido Comets.

The Aikido Comets is aimed for young adults from 12 to 19 years of age. The class runs the same as an adult class but without the teaching of locks, this is due to their bodies still growing and developing.
At this age group the students are treated as adults and this reflects in the lesson structure. As part of their learning all terminology is in Japanese as well as teaching basic Japanese language.
The sessions run on Saturday mornings from 11.30-1.00pm cost £3.00.
I am supported by a team of black belt instructors which gives us the opportunity to break the students into small groups giving a 1:5 teacher to student ratio.
Many of the Comets come along to the Rising Stars sessions and assist the instructors. As an assistant this role gives the students an opportunity to learn leadership skills, gain confidence and give back to the community, all important life skills.
Whatever your reason for starting Aikido you will make new friends, learn new skills, develop old skills, learn life skills and have fun.
We monitor the students progression through a traditional grading following a coloured belt system. Each student begins with a white belt, they must get two tabs before progressing to the next colour. Grading are held twice a year with Tabs costing £2.00 and Belts costing £5.00.
White belt……………….
Yellow belt………………
Orange belt……………..
Green belt……………….
Blue belt…………………
Purple belt………………
Brown belt………………
Black belt………………